Jack JulianJack Julian

/ projects by me!


Nutrifit-Mobile is version 2.0 with the main focus being the optimisation and styling for use on a mobile device and creating a PWA. I created this after realising that most users will be using fitness and nutritonal applications while on the move, and giving them a better mobile experience is key. It was built using NextJS with TypeScript for the frontend, as well as NextJS app router for the backend and MongoDB for the database. The app is hosted on Vercel with live updated through Github.

Repository link

Tech stack used



Nutrifit-app is a fullstack web application that allows users to track their meals, daily calories, gym workouts and log their weight. This was designed to give the user full control of their fitness and nutrition to meet their goals. It was built using Laravel for the backend and React for the frontend. The app is hosted on Heroku and updated through the linked Github repository.

Repository link

Tech stack used

Laravel BreezeReactViteBootstrapPHPJavaScriptHeroku